Lisa Chavez is surrounded by some of the 15, 878 pounds of food collected by R.A.Long and Mark Morris high school students in their Civil War food drive for Help Warehouse.
R. A. Long High School leadership students collected more food than their peers at Mark Morris during a recent competitive “Civil War” food drive, but they’re downplaying the triumph.
“They said, ‘We do not want a trophy,’” R.A. Long leadership adviser Josh Donaldson said. “They were adamant we want everybody to know that everybody is a winner who’s involved.”
R.A. Long students collected 8,609 pounds of food for Lower Columbia CAP; Mark Morris brought in 7,269 pounds. Students also raised at least $2,500 during the food drive, but on Friday, CAP was still working to tally the cash total. Associated Student Body students from both Longview high schools organized the drive, which coincided with civil war basketball games between the two schools.
Read full article here: http://tdn.com/news/local/r-a-long-mark-morris-students-collect-nearly-tons-of/article_16f7fe10-96da-11e3-90e8-001a4bcf887a.html