Financial Independence Center

Cowlitz Asset Building Coalition and Bank on Cowlitz County
The Cowlitz County Asset Building Coalition is dedicated to leveling the field for low to moderate income families and individuals by working together through programs that provide:
- financial education,
- credit counseling
- budget management
- re-entering the banking system with second-chance accounts
CAP has been the lead agency since 2005 along with the following partners:
- local, state and federal government
- non-profit entities
- businesses
- financial institutions
- housing agencies
- workforce development agencies
- social welfare agencies
Bank on Cowlitz County brings together local resources to expand access to first time and second chance accounts to local low- and moderate-income residents, especially working families. The goal of the strategy is to assist the County’s unbanked and underbanked residents achieve greater economic prosperity by connecting them to financial mainstream services, products, and financial education.
This will be achieved through:
- Promoting available no or low-cost financial services and products
- Increasing the availability of financial education and financial coaching services to residents
- Increasing community awareness of potential impacts of residents outside of the financial mainstream
- Involving the support of diverse partners, including financial institutions, workforce development agencies, social service, housing agencies, federal, state, and local government agencies, and free-tax preparation assistance sites
To find out more about the Cowlitz Asset Building Coalition or Bank on Cowlitz County Initiative, please contact Liz Myntti at 360-425-3430 ext 215 or
Pathways 2 Financial Inclusion
- personalized assistance with budgeting
- identifying financial “leakages”
- accessing/understanding credit reports
- how to reduce debt and improve credit scores
- accessing bank services
- referrals to income benefits
- and more….

Money Smart Financial Education
Lower Columbia CAP and the Cowlitz Asset Building Coalition are sponsoring financial education for all adults with the intention of improving and increasing family wealth. This can be accomplished by improving saving habits, managing debt and increasing assets. These group workshops are filled with open discussions and financial education using the Money Smart training materials from the FDIC (Federal Depository Insurance Corporation).
Money Smart Classes are open to the public and no pre-registration is required.
Workshop sessions are held in 8 week cycles and then repeated. The classes can be taken in any order as each is its own topic. Find the current schedule here.
For more information call 360-425-3430 ext 215 or 1-800-383-2101 (ext 215)