FOOD Resources
Lower Columbia CAP offers various programs to assist low-income and senior residents needing food resources.
HELP Warehouse Food Collection & Distribution Center and USDA Commodities Site
Since 1982, Help Warehouse has been the food collection and distribution center for Cowlitz and Wahkiakum food banks. USDA Commodities food distribution, at the Help Warehouse, occurs on the third Tuesday of the month from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at 1526 Commerce Ave, Longview.
Eligibility is dependent on income please call 360-425-3430, ext. 252 for more details.
Stuff the Bus food drive – Kelso School District

R A Long – Mark Morris Civil War Food Drive

CAP distributes food to the following food banks through our grocery rescue program, food drives and various government programs:
Fish (360-636-1100)
Hours: Monday – Friday (Call 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Other emergency services Call 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
Northgate Christian Center (360-577-0620)
1209 Minor Road
Kelso, WA
Hours: Every Thursday 10:00 am -1:00 pm
Clothing also available
Salvation Army (360-423-3990)
1639 10th Ave
Longview, WA
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
FREE HOT LUNCHES Monday – Friday from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
St. Vincent de Paul (360-577-0662)
1222 Baltimore
Longview, WA
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Evening distribution for employed participants
1st & 3rd Tuesdays from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Castle Rock Lions Food Bank
224 Huntington Ave S
Eagles Hall
Hours: Every Thursday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Kalama Helping Hands (360-673-2814)
191 Cloverdale Road
Hours: Tuesday – 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Thursday – 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Clothing also available
St. Vincent de Paul of Cathlamet
St. Catherine’s Church
401 Columbia
Cathlamet, WA
Hours: 1st & 3rd Wednesday – 9:00 am – noon
Woodland Community Action Center (360-225-9998)
736 Davidson
Woodland, WA
Hours: Food boxes – Every Saturday – 11:00 am- 5:00 pm
Meals on Wheels
Since 1979, Lower Columbia CAP has been delivering hot and frozen meals to homebound and disabled seniors in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties.
Eligibility is determined by:
- Person(s) must be 60 years of age or older and require assistance to leave their home and access food.
- An in home assessment must be conducted by a Senior Nutrition staff person.
- Eligibility is based on need, not income.
To self-refer or make a referral for an individual you think may be at nutritional risk, please contact us at 360-762-3111 or email
We offer both hot and frozen meals depending on the area you live and need.
Community Lunches
Seniors can enjoy company and a great lunch at our eight meal sites in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties. We have a wonderful program that combines socializing with a delicious meal. Meals are nutritionally balanced and provide 1/3 of the daily USDA requirements. Most special dietary need can be accommodated with advance notice. Our meals are heart healthy and approved by a dietician.
All seniors (60+) are welcome at every meal site. Eligibility is not income based. If you qualify as a senior for the program, there is a suggested donation of $3.00 per meal. If you do not meet the qualifications, then there is a charge of $6.00 per meal.
All meals are served at 12:00 noon. Substitutions may be made with advance notice. For reservations or questions, please call us at 360-762-3111 or email
We are also always looking for volunteers to help at the meal sites with set-up, serving, and clean-up. It is a wonderful environment and a great way to enjoy lunch!
Kelso/Longview– Grounds for Opportunity Cafe, 413 S. Pacific Ave, Kelso (Tuesdays)
Kalama – United Methodist Church, 111 North 2nd St (Mondays)
Ryderwood – Community Center, 303 Morse St (Tuesdays)
Castle Rock – Senior Center, 222 2nd Ave SW (Wednesdays)
Woodland – St. Philip Catholic Church, 430 Bozarth St (Fridays)
Rosburg – Community Center, off Altoona Rd (Thursdays)
Cathlamet – Hope Center, 3rd and Maple (Thursdays)