PLEASE NOTE: Due to limited staff availability, the application link below will only be active Monday - Thursday, 8:30am-5:00pm Lower Columbia CAP Energy Assistance Monthly Income Eligibility 2024/2025
The application process for energy assistance has changed. Please follow these instructions carefully to make sure your application for energy assistance can be reviewed.
APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED, WILL REOPEN ON 12/4. Application link will only be active Monday – Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm.
1. Complete the ENERGY ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY QUESTIONNAIRE. You will need basic info about all members of your household to complete this.
2. Schedule a phone appointment with Energy Assistance staff. The link to schedule this phone appointment will be given to you after completing the questionnaire in step 1.
3. Begin compiling identification and income verification documents. All documentation must be received by NOON of the THURSDAY BEFORE YOUR SCHEDULED PHONE APPOINTMENT. Late documents may disqualify your assistance application.
4. Please review this list of INCOME VERIFICATION DOCUMENTS and IDENTITY VERIFICATION DOCUMENTS you need to provide based on your household info.
Employer Earned Income Form – Authorization to Release Information (employer fills out)
DSHS Consent to Release Information
5. All documents submitted need to be labeled with the name of the PRIMARY APPLICANT. This is how CAP will know which energy assistance application your documents belong with.
In person:
1526 Commerce Ave.
Longview, WA
(M-Th, 8am-5:30pm)
Please write the PRIMARY APPLICANT’s name on each document dropped off.
By mail:
Lower Columbia CAP – Energy Assistance
1526 Commerce Ave.
Longview, WA 98632
Please do not send any original documents, everything submitted becomes part of your application file and cannot be returned.
Please write the PRIMARY APPLICANT’s name on each document mailed in.
By fax:
ATTN: Energy Assistance
(360) 575-1664
Please include the PRIMARY APPLICANT’s name on the cover page and all documents sent in.
By email:
This is a submission-only email and is not monitored by staff other than to retrieve documents. If you do not get a response within 1-3 business days please send your documents again. Please use the PRIMARY APPLICANT’s name as the subject line of the email.
Weatherization – Home Energy Assessment
Are your heating bills high due to lack of adequate insulation, improperly sealed windows and doors?
A home energy assessment can help identify the areas that need to be sealed/insulated to protect you from the cold of winter and heat of summer. Our certified building analyst will perform a thorough energy assessment to measure the extent of leaks in the building envelope and use infrared cameras to find hard-to-detect areas of air infiltration and missing insulation. You will also receive information on how various energy-saving upgrade options interact with each other and list of efficiency upgrades that are most appropriate for your home.
Click here for a short video on home energy assessments
For weatherization and home energy assessment questions, call the CAP weatherization department at 360-425-3430 ext. 261 or 225
Phone Numbers
Phone: 360-425-3430
Toll-Free: 800-383-2101
Lower Columbia CAP
1526 Commerce Ave
Longview, WA 98632
Lower Columbia CAP – All Rights Reserved – Contact Us – Phone: 360-425-3430